Sunday, August 10, 2014


My first try at an infographic using  Not too bad!


  1. Very informative! This is something students need to see. I have not used yet. I need to check it out. I use Class Dojo in my 2nd Grade class also. Last year, our grade level used the points as a way to get students' names in a drawing for the end of the year. Every time a student earned 100 points, we put their name on a sheet of paper. That piece of paper went into a bucket. At the end of the year, each teacher drew a name from their bucket. That special student received a new bike donated by a local business in our town. This really kept the students motivated throughout the year. I enjoyed your Infographic!

  2. Very informative! I think it's always great to look how far you've come in certain areas of teaching. I like the idea of using Class Dojo. I have heard other teachers that use it and they love it. I'm definitely going to check that out.
