Saturday, February 22, 2014

My PLN,...A Work in Progress

As a result of my educational opportunities that I have taken advantage of during the first half of my Educational Technology degree I have increased my circle of influences on my professional growth.  I  have loved this journey of growth and am becoming a better teacher as a direct result of my ever growing PLN.


  1. I am learning everyday with the result of building my Personal Learning Network. I never thought I would connect with so many people who would provide me with knowledge and resources.

    1. I completely agree! I really enjoy connecting with so many like minded educators. I have learned so much from my PLN. I can't wait to see what the future will bring.

  2. Jay- I love how you showed the growth in your PLN. It is amazing to see it visually, rather than just using words to discuss your growth. I'm so glad that you feel as if you have become a better teacher because of your growth. I too feel that way. I plan to continue on with my PLN even after I graduate in the spring. I'm sure your future will bring great things!

  3. I loved to see your progression between these two visuals. You should include this in your ePortfolio for the MET program for the 5th standard.
